18 November 2010

It's not too much to expect

If you book a room in a motel you don’t go sticking a knife through the window’s insect screen for any reason that might be convenient to you.  It doesn’t matter what the reason is; you just don’t do it.  If you have a problem you call the manager.  Was it because the tenant was some kind of spoilt brat who did whatever she wanted at home and expected the same treatment everywhere else? 

It comes down to respect for other people’s property.  The place was being rented.  That doesn’t entitle the person to treat it like their own or worse.  If you hire a car from a rental company and lose some money down a crevice in a seat you don’t have any right to start cutting up the upholstery in search of it.  It's the same with property rentals.  You don't go cutting things up without asking permission.

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