06 December 2007


Presentation is important when you’re selling your house. Don’t people know that? A coat of paint where it’s needed can do wonders to a place, which gets back to my ‘make it sparkle’ notion, but for heavens sake, do the job right. If your window frames have weathered, a coat of paint may brighten them up. Here’s the important bit: if they need to be sanded – then sand them, undercoat them, paint them properly. If there are a few pits in the woodwork – fill the holes with putty, sand it back, and paint properly. If the wood is rotten or so badly weathered that it looks and feels like a sponge then rip it out and replace it before paining. A coat of paint over rotten timber looks like the rough job it is. When I see it I tend to wonder what other botched jobs have been done on the house. This type of work does nothing toward presentation.

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