07 March 2008

D-day minus one

S and I were editing the text that was to appear in the ad. The convenience of email, with S in Melbourne and me in Canberra. Though, with the first open insepction tomorrow I can't help but wonder if the real estate agent has left all this stuff a bit late. We got the term ‘rustic’ out of the text quickly. Why do people use that word so often? I think everyone puts a different meaning to it. So it doesn’t really mean anything anyway. S was relieved when they hadn’t used the “first home buyer” phrase. Curiously, we had both chosen the same photos to be used in campaign. Poor S is finding it a hard slog, and is considering an all night session of cleaning.
  • The bedroom needs a tidy up
  • The shower and sinks need to be cleaned
  • The laundry needs a tidy
  • There are piles of boxes stored in the end bathroom that have to go
  • The study is neat but has a few boxes remaining, and
  • Everything needs to be vacuumed

The widows need to be washed, perhaps tomorrow, but with that line up there may not be time nor the energy left in her body.

My landlady has seen her solicitor, and is signing papers for the sale of her house – the contract. They will then contact the buyer’s solicitor. As far as I know, there is no firm date set for settlement, other than a possible end of the month.

I rang the mechanic. No car until possibly Wednesday. There was no gasket provided, hence the delay.

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