27 March 2008

Problems and solutions

The sore throat I was developing in Melbourne seemed to have changing into a cold. An early night for me. It seems that S caught it too, and feeling grouchy.

A couple of people who saw the house a few days ago had prepared a list of questions. Our real estate agent was able to deal with all but two of their questions. They were passed on.

  • What’s the water in the hole at the side of the house? Oops! That was the drain at the side of the house; the problem I had been trying to fix with a suction plunger and length of wire. Unsuccessfully, it would seem. I can’t help wondering if the question was an attempt at sarcasm. Isn’t it obvious: a blocked drain.
  • What’s the serial/model number of the solar hot water heater? Apparently they wanted to confirm the capacity with the manufacturer. (They’ve got to be joking.)
With my landlady selling her house, and her brother willing to offer me board in his house, this was just a wonderful situation that relieved the hassle and worry of finding another place to rent. I called by his place to have a look around, which turned out to be on the same street of all places, and we made arrangements to start moving in on the Saturday. My landlady wants to be out soon. She offered the use of some of the furniture I’d become accustomed to, which was really very nice. My new landlord is happy to maintain the same rent and bond. So everything worked out smoothly and without fuss.

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