12 June 2008

A leased vehicle

Wridgways, our removalists, got back to me with a quotation for undertkaing the job without doing the packing: $5592. They think that only one day will be required for pickup.

I drove into Melbourne to take some documents into Lou at DSP, and while there picked up a cheque for Tiffany to help pay for the car. DSP had already sent a cheque to Tiffany's car finance company the day before. So, that will pay out the balance, and that’s it. The car has been paid for. But Tiffany is still suspicious.

I suppose it’s only fair. Cheques do bounce. Although, its unlikely that a cheque from an organisation that’s owned by the RACV will have any trouble being cleared. Still, she doesn’t want to hand over the car until the money is in her account. I'll just have to wait.

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